Customers may encounter various kinds of difficulties with payment cards of this brand. If you simple cannot access the My Prepaid Center website (you see an error or just a white background), then this website, like the payment card itself, cannot be used in your country. Here you can find out about foreign countries where you cannot use this payment card.

Error on brand website: "Oops. There's an error on our site. Please try again soon."

Possible reasons why you get this error on their website:

Payment card details are not shown in full: this happens if My Prepaid Center block you because of your IP, VPN usage, Javascript blocker, Adblocker etc. 

My Prepaid Center is not accepted not accepted for payment in different shops: unfortunately, we cannot know for sure which websites or brands accept this virtual payment card and which do not. In addition, we do not have access to your transactions. The best way for you is to contact the support of the specific website/brand or the My Prepaid Center customer support: and ask about card acceptance.